
France (Wikipedia)

Lister did not mention Frontignan in his memoirs or pocketbook, but the village was mentioned by his colleagues Philip Skippon and John Ray in their own accounts of their travels to France.

Skippon wrote:

We rode out four leagues, and dined at Frontignan, a little wall’d place situated by the etang or lake (in the middle of which is an island with the ruins of the bishop of Montpellier’s house) and in a fertile soil under the hills (warm’d by the south sun) which afford the noted rich Moschato wine of Frontignan.  Here may sometimes be bought good Barbary horses.  At a quarter of a league distance from Frontignan we forded the etang, and then rode along the beach, between the etang and the sea, to a cape call’d Monsleti, (one league from Frontignan) where rare plants grow, viz. Uva marina, Alypum M. Ceti, etc.  On this promontory, the French king is designing a fort to defend vessels in the haven or port.  We forded the etang again, and found all along great store of Androface Matthioli; then rode by the shore side  . . . .

Skippon, Journey3o August 1665

Skippon was referring to the Muscat dessert wine of the region, which is still sold there today and tastes of liquid raisins.   Uva marina is ephedra distachya or as the French called it, ‘raisin of the sea’.  Ray identified Alypon Montis Ceti as Frutex terribilis or white turbith, a plant which grows in several areas of France, particularly Provence and Languedoc; Ray identified Androface Matthioli as navel wort.


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